Reviving Orissa Economy: Opportunities and Areas of Action

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The Economy of Orissa exhibits a contrasting scenario. With its vast land, forest and mineral resources it has largest percentage of poor people in the country. The growth performance of the state in most of the sectors remain below the all-India average. Besides the state suffers from acute fiscal imbalances and its deficits and borrowings have alarmingly gone up. The present workshop is organized to deliberate upon the poor performance of the state economy, the casual factors thereof with possible areas of action so as to accelerate development process in the state. The workshop draws participants from academicians, bureaucrats, policy makers and public figures of eminence. The volume is an outcome of the contribution of such personalities. The papers presented in the workshop have identified the weaknesses of the state economy and provided some solutions.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Raj Kishore Panda

Dr. Raj Kishore Panda, is at present Professor and Head in the Post-Graduate Department of Analytical and Applied Economics, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. His field of specialization is Rural / Agricultural Economics and Institutional Finance. Dr. Panda has been awarded many fellowships for doing research at the Doctoral and Post-Doctoral levels. He got the UGC Teacher Fellowship for his Ph.D. work on ‘Agricultural Indebtedness and Institutional Finance.’ For undertaking Post-Doctoral research abroad, he was selected by the UGC as Visiting social Scientist under Indo-French Cultural Exchange Programme to work on credit Agriocole in France during 1995. Dr. Panda was awarded Japan Foundation Fellowship during 1997 to work on Japanese Multi-Purpose Agricultural Cooperatives. In the year 1999 he was selected for a 3-year Research Award under UGC to work on ‘Agricultural Investment in Orissa – Inter-Region and Inter-Farm Analysis’. Dr. Panda has completed a number of Research Scholars have obtained Ph.D. degree under his supervision. He has to his credit a number of Research Books and Monographs written on Agricultural Economics and Institutional Finance. Dr. Panda has edited a book on Reviving Orissa Economy – Opportunities and Areas of Action – an outcome of a National Workshop conducted by the Department of Analytical and Applied Economics, Utkal University in 2004.


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Reviving Orissa Economy: Opportunities and Areas of Action
1st ed.
xvi+237p., Figures; Tables; References; Index; 23cm.