The revolt of 1857 is one of those events which have been interpreted again and again by officials, nationalists and historians. Scholars have studied 1857 with reference to specific areas. With the help of the revolt in the district of Bijnor, which was not a military cantonment and which is among the three places in India where British rule remained non-existent for nearly an year, the author makes an attempt to fill up a gap in historical research. Based on original sources, it clearly and categorically brings out the exact character of the revolt in the subsequent chapters the author explains the various causes, events and the causes of the failure of the revolutionary government. A detailed analysis of the various interpretations of the nature of the revolt has been done. Finally, in the appendices a genealogical history of the rebel leaders upto the present day has been traced. The book is doubtless an original and revealing contribution to our knowledge on the revolt of 1857 and will prove to be of great use to students and teachers of Indian history, specifically to those interested in a study on the revolt.
Working Class Movement
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