Blast, remains the world’s most important disease of rice, despite intensive efforts to control it. A comprehensive monographic study was planned on the basis of the author’s wide experience on blast research over three decades and the knowledge gained through close, personal and professional working relationship with the world’s leading rice pathologists. The book is aimed to benefit graduate students, rice pathologists and extention workers. The critical work should not only stimulate further research but is also useful for the blast management and crop improvement of rice. This monograph traces the history of rice blast disese, the fungus, its geographical distribution, nomenclature, taxonomy, morphology, physiology, variability, ultrastructure, cytology, ontogeny as well as cell and molecular biology. Throughout the book many outstanding illustrations, tables and excellent plates serve to amplify and clarify the exposition. Also, elaborate details are provided on the host-range, physiological races, varietal and nature of resistance, disease resistance and control, epidemiology, simulation models for forecasting and on research highlights on this principal rice disease.

Rice Blast Disease
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Rice Blast Disease
1st ed.
xviii+180p., Plates; Tables.
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