Risk Management

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Risk Management starts from the proposition that risks can be measured by using some measure of variability. Risk management is to identify, measure and more importantly monitor the risk profile. Managing risk is nothing but managing the change before the risk manages every one. Its objective is to minimize losses arising from risk exposures. For effective risk management, a comprehensive risk management policy has to be formulated incorporating a detailed structure of limits and guidelines to be followed, and a strong management information system built up for continuous monitoring and reporting of risk exposures. This book will be undoubtedly useful for various segments of society viz., students, researchers, teachers, policy-makers, planners as well as government.


Dr. S.B. Verma got through Master degree in Commerce and Economics as well as Bachelor degree in Law from Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. He was awarded Ph.D. degree from Patna University, Patna and also D.Litt degree from Allahabad Univesity, Allahabad. He had been Reader at Nagaland Central University, Kohima, and Lecturer at HNB University, Garhwal. He is faculty member of Commerce, SNS College, Muzaffarpur, Bihar University, Muzaffarpur; Guest faculty at many universities and a National Fellow. He is an Academic Counselor for many educational institutions. Dr. Verma is a member of All India Commerce Association, and All India Accounting Association. He was granted a major project of UGC. He has extensively published research papers in leading academic journals and contributed a number of papers in National and International Seminar-cum-Conferences. He is a renowned author and editor of more than three dozen outstanding research books. He has guided many Ph.D. students. Dr. Verma is a distinguished personality in commerce and management. He has throughout a meritorious career.


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Risk Management
1st ed.
xvi+507p., Tables; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.