Rivers, Dams and Development: Issues and Dilemmas

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Dams have emerged as one of the most important tools for the management of rivers. More than 45,000 large dams around the world have played an important role in helping communities and economies harness water resources for food production, energy generation, flood control and domestic use. The benefits derived from large dams have made a significant contribution to human development. Floods have taken a large toll of human lives over the years and also caused large economic losses. World Bank is pushing construction of large dams. Along with dams, the river interlinking project is also under consideration in India. The more recent focus has been on the strategic development of sustainable irrigation practices within an Integrated Catchment Management context. World Commission on Dams (WCD) has suggested some recommendations and strategic priorities for the construction of dams. WCD report has proved to be important in reducing environmental and social challenges. This book aims at exploring the significance of rivers and dams from economic, ecological, social and cultural angles. The book tries to present general patterns and trends in the management of rivers as well as planning and operation of large dams. The central issues in the large dams debate – the benefits and adverse impacts – are also considered. The book is presented in three sections: "Rivers and Dams: An Overview", "Key Issues" and "Country Experiences."

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Prabha Shastri Ranade

Prabha Shastri Ranade holds a Master's degree in Geography and Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Nagpur University. She has over 25 years of teaching and research. experience. She is currently working as Consulting Editor at Icfai Business School Research Centre, Ahmedabad. She started her career as Research Officer at National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization, (Government of India) Kolkata, and has moved to teaching of Geography at Nagpur University. Later, she was awarded UGC's Research Associateship for post doctoral research projects, under which she worked at Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Indore and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi for about 15 years. She has contributed numerous articles in academic journals, conference proceedings, edited books, newspapers and the Encyclopedia of World Geography (New York). She has edited a few books published by the Icfai University Press and also published four books, 'Maharashtra', under States of Our Union Series, by the Publications Division of Government. of India; Population Dynamics in India by Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi; Industries and Environment: A Study of Impact Assessment by APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi; and a text book on "Geography" for the Maharashtra State Text Book Bureau, Pune. She has presented research papers at various national and international conferences and seminars, held within the country and abroad. She was the recipient of "Young Scientist" honour by the Indian Science Congress for her research contribution. Her areas of expertise and interests include geography, population, resources and environment.


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Rivers, Dams and Development: Issues and Dilemmas
1st ed.
8131408442, 9788131408445
xiii+225p., Tables; Maps; Figures; Reference; Index; 23cm.