Rural Employment: The Non-Farm Sector

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The concept of rural non-farm employment (RNFE) is defined as employment in pursuits other than cultivation, livestock, forestry, fishing, hunting, plantations, orchards and allied activities. Broadly, it covers employment in mining and quarrying, manufacturing (manufacturing, processing, services and repairs in household industry and other than household industry), construction, trade and commerce, transport, storage and communications and other services. In the recent years, the rural non-farm sector employment acquired importance in the economic development. By providing gainful employment to the rural labour-force this sector is playing a positive role in the removal of poverty. It is a significant source of income to small and landless farmers during the slack season. It also facilitates structural transformation. There is a close relationship between employment generation in rural non-farm activities and the spread of prosperity from agricultural growth. This book covers trends and patterns of rural non-farm employment in India and their determinants. It covers both micro and macro-level studies designed to explain various socio-economic issues of rural non-farm employment, state specific studies, Industry-specific studies and Gender bias studies and the participation of women in rural non-farm sector are also studied at length.


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Rural Employment: The Non-Farm Sector
1st ed.
498p., Tables.