Rusty: Comes Home

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Rusty Comes Home contains some captivating stories about Rusty’s friends and fleeting acquaintances, about human nature and the supernatural. Among his friends in Shahganj are Ketan, a victim of the partition ad prone to paralytic fits; Madhu, a child whole life is tragically cut short, but not before she leaves an indelible impression on rusty; and Suresh, a disabled child with whom Rusty strikes up a close bond. In Dehra he meets up with his genial Uncle Bill, who makes it his habit to poison people with Arsenic; the incredible Jimmy, a jinn who can extend his arms at will to infinite lengths; and Miss Pettibone, the oldest resident of Dehra, who enthralls him with riveting stories from the town’s past. Then there is the unnamed basket-selling girl he meets by chance on the Deoli railway platform and can never forget; and Binya, a young and vivacious widow, who floats into his life on the strains of a song. Full of charming and idiosyncratic characters, these stories of love, loss and adventure will appeal to young readers of all ages.


Ruskin Bond, resident of Mussoorie, is a well-known writer of fiction and a reconteur par excellence. His Tales and Legends from India, Angry River, Strange Men, Strange Places, The Blue Umbrella, A Long Walk for Bina and Hanuman to the Rescue are also available in Rupa paperback. Ruskin Bond's Children's Omnibus has been a firm favourite with young readers for several years. Ghost Stories fro the Raj, The Rupa Book of Great Animal Stories, The Rupa Book of the True Tales of Mystery and Adventure, The Rupa Book of Ruskiin Bond's Himalayan Tales, The Rupa Book of Great Suspense Stories, The Rupa Laughter Omnibus, The Rupa Book of Scary Stories and The Rupa Book of Haunted Houses are eight of his recent anthologies for Rupa.


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Rusty: Comes Home
1st ed.
vii+215p., Illustrations; 20cm.