ABOUT THE AUTHOR Radhamadhab Dash
Dr. Radhamadhab Dash, b. 1957 Dist. Balasore, Orissa; father: Shri Ramanarayan Dash, Mother: Smt. Savitri Devi; Education: College education (1973-79) from Fakirmohan College, Balasore, Post Graduation (1977-79), M.Phil. (1984) and Ph.D. (1991) from Utakal University; LLB (1995) from University Law College, Bhuaneswar; Specialisation: Classical Literature along with the certificate degrees in Russian (1980, German (1991) and spoken Japanese (1994), Advanced Course in Pali, Prakrta & Apabhramsa languages and Literature (1993). Research & Publications: Personal research in the branch of Sanskrit Grammar, about 50 research papers published in national Journals besides the following books: Bharatiya Sahityara Srsti O Vikasa: Pali O Apabhramsa (in Oriya), Bhubaneswar, 1988, Idioms in Kasika, Delhi, 1996, Idioms of Panni Bhubaneswar, 2002, Tattvadhara (in Sanskrit), Bhubaneswar, 2003, Aspects of Sanskrit Language Literature and Culture and edited 5 volumes research paper. Guided: 30 M.Phil students and 6 Ph.D. students awarded Ph.D. degree under his guidance. Availed: UGC Research Award for Post-Doctoral Study, Feb. 2002-Jan. 2005, and selected by ICCR for Visiting Professorship in Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris in 2004 on deputation.
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