Sardar Sarovar Project on the River Narmada (In 3 Volumes)

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Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) on the river Narmada in the Gujarat state of India is an icon of water resources development and is one of the most studies water resources project in the world. It has a long and interesting, yet sometimes controversial history of over 50 years during which is has faced many hurdles. However, the project is now in its final stages. Present publication (in 3 vols.) is a compilation of over 30 papers specially written by pioneer engineers, involved activists, academicians and government officials, on different facets of SSP. The first volume provides historical perspectives on project, its design, planning and appraisal. The second volume draws attention to the implementation challenges and extremely sensitive issues like the process of resettlement and rehabilitation. The third volume discusses the impacts of SSP so far and the ways forward including aspects of water distribution, management options and policy issues.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR R. Parthasarathy

R. Parthasarathy was for several years a literary editor with Oxford University Press, Chennai and Delhi. His first book, Rough Passage, was a runner-up for the Commonwealth Poetry Prize in 1977. His second book, A House Divided: Poems of Love and War (forthcoming), is set against the turbulent history of the subcontinent. Parthasarathy has also edited Ten Twentieth-Century Indian Poets. He is currently working on a verse translation of the Manimekalai (`The Jeweled Belt'), the only surviving Buddhist epic in Tamil.


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Sardar Sarovar Project on the River Narmada (In 3 Volumes)
1st. ed.
8180698009, 9788180698002
xxiii+960p., Illustrations; Maps; 23cm.