This book gives a detailed account of the Sarvodaya Movement in the State of orissa where it found extraordinary popular support of countless enthusiastic followers for the unique Gandhaian ideal. It aims at analytically examining the genesis of the Sarvodaya philosophy and critically traces the growth of the movement within the state in the background of a country-wide movement. The book takes a deeper look into the life and times of many inspired Sarvodayis who pioneered the progress of the movement in a remarkable manner. There were several dedicated leaders among whom the prominent were Gopabandhu Choudhury and Smt. Rama Devi. These leaders devoted their whole life to the cause of sarvodaya and took active part to carry on such constructive works like Bhoodan, Gramdan, Khadi, harijan welfare and Women’s uplift. It was a remarkably successful movement in the state of Orissa as discovered by the contemporary historical findings. The book will appeal to all sensitive readers and scholars alike.
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