Scene Changes in Kashmir, India and Pakistan

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In the past few years the scene has changed more significantly than in the past few decades regarding the issue of Jammu and Kashmir and its place in the relations between India and Pakistan. Important changes have also taken place in the circumstances within the state and within and around each of the two countries. The author has been a long time observer of these changes, in the recent as well as a more distant past, and their relevance to the fortunes and responsibilities of India. He presents here a comprehensive overview of the changes that have taken place in the past few years and explains the opportunities they have opened up for future progress, while also flagging the pitfalls which both countries, the state, and interested third parties must avoid if South Asia is to be freed of the one of the heaviest burdens that lie upon it.


Pran Chopra was born in 1921 in Lahore, where he joined the newspaper “Civil and Military Gazette” in 1941. Since then he has been Chief News Editor, All India Radio, War Correspondent for AIR in China, Vietnam, and elsewhere in South-East Asia, Guest Commentator with the United Nations, Resident Editor of the Statesman in Delhi and then Deputy Editor and Chief Editor of the Statesman group in Delhi and Calcutta, Editorial Director of the Press Foundation of Asia, and Visiting Professor at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, where he is now Member of the Advisory Council. He has written, edited, and contributed to over a dozen books. He is also a Lok Sabha Fellow for writing a book on India’s experience of federalism.


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Scene Changes in Kashmir, India and Pakistan
1st ed.
280p., Appendix; Index; 23cm.

