The present report on School Education in Uttar Pradesh : Status, Issues and Future Perspectives is the outcome of a systematic probe conducted at the state level under the guidance and advice of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), an apex organisation in matters of policies and programmes being pursued in the school education sector in the country. The ambit of the study has been delimited to examining the developmental scenario, programme implementation, the consequential moves towards expansion and the situations of access and coverage at various points. The three main issues relating to equity, excellence and relevance which are viewed as germane in the modern educational concerns have been specially brought out in the various contexts of analyses and interpretations. While preparing this report a plethora of information and comments have been gathered and sifted with due observance of rigour and care demanded in conducting such studies. Needless to mention that but for our meticulous endeavour in systematising the necessary details, which more often than not, get obscured, it could not have been possible to formulate the schemes of various chapters of the report and ensure a wide coverage and depth in undertaking a critical view of the factual data obtainable in respect of past 50 years of school education. In course of this study a number of secondary sources have been tapped, more than a dozen eminent academics, experienced teachers and administrators have been interviewed through carefully structured schedule and a sizable chunk of studies/investigations carried out through the departments of education of the state having direct bearing on school education, have been looked into.
Samkhyakarika of Isvarakrsna: Text, Translation and Commentary-Yuktidipika
Samkhya is known as one of ...
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