School Efficiency

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School efficiency is gaining new horizons. The attempt is for maximizing human resource development. It is now been looked through various perceptions popularly those of Principals, Educators and Teachers. In this work the author has done an innovative study assuming that the students also have their perceptions about schooling. It is interesting to know that students are to be beneficiaries of their own wisdom. The search in this book has been to seek strong and weak areas of schooling and suggest strategies for enhancing school effectiveness. The author has investigated by developing rating scales to seek the desired and actual performance on statements pertaining to functions, policies, programmes and activities. These have been classified in areas as: School policy, school administration, learning environment, student welfare, teacher efficiency, academic achievement, citizenship development, personality development, results, and reputation of the school amongst the neighbouring schools and in the community. The respondent students have echoed similarity in opinions irrespective of their achievement level, sex, and type of school, but different categories urge for special steps to meet their visions and learning needs. Types and quality of teacher-pupil interventions have also been enquired into. One of the new areas yielded by the research study is that students also develop perceptions about values which contribute to character development and citizenship development. The book is likely to make an interesting reading for the principals, teachers and other professionals exploring vistas of school efficiency.


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School Efficiency
1st ed.
xviii+276p., Tables; Figures.