School, Society, Nation: Popular Essays in Education

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This anthology deals with the problems and challenges of contemporary Indian education. It examines different aspects of the country’s educational experience: the knowledge, values and skills, focusing above all on child-inspired agenda. The essays deliberate over child-oriented ideas regarding curricula and books and the learning and evaluation processes. Concerned with how the inequalities of our society get reflected in the education system and how the latter, in turn, widens asymmetries, some essays deal with the role of education in development and with how globalisation has exacerbated the already existing exclusions and discriminations of our educational policies. Others make a plea for educational methods to relate to the social and existential contexts of learners. Many writers speak from a lifetime’s quest of strengthening Indian plurality through education. Yet others query whether the educational aims of empowerment and transformation are matters of material achievement alone or also of our basic humanity. Furthermore, the volume focuses on certain pedagogic aspects of schooling and on how learning can be fun. The book does not attempt to merely report cureent educational research. More pertinently, it seeks to promote debate and deliberation on contentious issues conforming us. The volume will be of use to specialists as well as to the ordinary citizen, parent and teacher –anybody concerned about the education system in India.


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School, Society, Nation: Popular Essays in Education
xii+300p., Tables; References; 23cm.