Secondary Teacher Training

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A secondary school teacher teaches one or more national curriculum subjects to classes of pupils aged 11-16 or 11-18. The subjects are determined by the national curriculum but how they are taught is down to the professional judgement of the teacher, whose priority it is to ensure pupils learn. Teachers develop schemes of work and plan lessons in line with national objectives. They encourage, monitor ad record the progress of individual pupils and devise and adapt resources to suit their own students. The usual route into secondary teacher education is the completion of a degree qualification followed by a one year diploma of teaching. There are also some four-year programmes for secondary teaching which incorporate the degree qualification and teacher education within the same programme. In recent years secondary teacher education has been offered by a range of universities and private teacher education establishments. This book comprehensively describes the problems and methods of secondary teacher training. It is divided into ten chapters. It is hoped that this book will prove useful to the teaching departments and institutions, teachers of educational administrations as well.


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Secondary Teacher Training
1st ed.