The present study exposes the pretensions of media, besides the known game of fraud that all political parties often perpetrate from time to time in a bid to capture power. Fir instance so-called secular Devea Gouda’s Janata Dal is happily hand in glove with the BJP in the Karnataka. What happened to Deve Gouda’s all time rhetoric to keep the BJP away from power by realignments and polarizations since the time of his being the Prime Minister which did not last long, though. What happened to BJP-Akali Dal in Punjab? They returned to power dumping the so-called secular Congress which portrays itself as messiah of minorities? Are not Sikhs minorities? Why did they dump the Congress and embrace a non-secular BJP- Akali Dal? Why the perception of electorate and the of Political parties do not coincide with the definition of secularism? Why BJP is being voted back to power again and again in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttaranchal and Karnataka? Are the people here rejecting the so-called secular parties or accepting BJP as true secular party.
C.S.H.N. Murthy, was born in Guntur of Andhra Pradesh (India) on March 22, 1957. As his family was economically highly backward, his early education to graduation moved along a number of travails. After his graduation he joined Eenadu as Sub-Editor in Sunday Magazine edition in 1977 and continued as Journalist for over two decades. he wrote extensively on all contemporary socio-economic, cultural and political issues in Telugu press as a columnist to Edit page of Andhra Prabha, Andhra Bhoomi, Udayam, Eenadu. Now and then he wrote to English Press also as a free-lancer and for a couple of years worked as Correspondent for an NRI Cultural Tabloid, The Hinduism Today, Published from Concorde, California USA. He also contributed extensively to popularization of science in Telugu by writing popular science articles in almost all Telugu newspapers. He was also a creative writer and had written short stories over 100, some of which cam out in the forms of an anthology –published by Visalandhra Publishing House, Hyderabad –with the noted artist Bapu’s art as cover page and with the assistance of Telugu University in 1933. Since 1994, he started teaching as Lecturer for the Bachelor Course of Communication and Journalism in the evening colleges affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad. He went to Eritrea in October, 2003 as an Assistant Professor in Media technology to work for the Ministry of Education Government of Eritrea. He is presently working as Assistant Professor (Reader) in Mass Communication, School of Mass Communication, Amity University, Lucknow-Noida, U.P.
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