Global awareness of rapid loss of biodiversity is increasing manifolds. Biodiversity is of immense ecological, economic and cultural value for the existence of mankind. Developing countries in the tropical and subtropical regions of world are biodiversity rich while the developed part of world is technology rich and conserve the biodiversity including agro-biodiversity through various strategies viz. seed genebanks, in vitro banks, cryo banks and DNA banks of all the methods of conservation, seed banks are most convenient and cheapest method common used, being both economical and practiced. The present book gives an holistic approaches in practical manner for the ex situ conservation of seed. Although immense interactive is available on several of the topics covered the present book gives a semi technical approach to highlight the various issues dealing with biodiversity conservation specially the genebank procedures regarding physiological and biochemical procedures required for biodiversity management and conservation. The book seeds: their conservation, principles and practices is a practical technical guide for students and researchers engaged in biodiversity conservation programme. It has been interceded to provide emphasis on the detailed practical methods along with theoretical information and to serve as a ready reference source for students, research workers engaged in biodiversity conservation. Recent development in view of convention on Biological Diversity and World Trade Organisation, and other related topics are also covering with special reference to Indian scenario in a very lucid style for students and researchers.
Seeds: Their Conservation Principles and Practices
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Seeds: Their Conservation Principles and Practices
1st ed.
viii+220 p., 12 Plates
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