The year 1978 marks a culmination of the last phase of Vinobaji’s life when he had decided to strictly confine his conservation to science, spirituality and constructive work. He has a feeling that he might not last long. hence, he was even less disposed to talk and was given more to laughs, jokes and puns on words, with increased look of mischief in his eyes. Spirituality did not mean metaphysics for Vionibaji, but what aimed at removing the complexes of the heart; and science, for him, was confined to physical health. All sorts of persons, ordinary or important, Indian or foreigners, came to meet him during the year. One would find in this book Vinobaji’s conservations with prominent thinkers like Ivan Illich, gandhian Like R.R. Diwakar old colleagues like Dada Dharmadhikari and sarvodaya workers like Siddharaj Dhadda, Narayan Desai, Jagannathan and others along with political personalities like Indira Gandhi.
Selected Conversations of Vinoba Bhave (November 1969 to December 1971)
In November 1969 VINOBA ...
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