Automation refers to the application of machinery to perform work that would otherwise be done by human beings. Therefore, the use of photocopiers, facsimile machines, and (in bygone days) typewriters in libraries could technically fall under the rubric library automation. Currently, however, library automation is generally understood to refer to the use of computers, computer networks, or CD-ROM. Serials automation covers several distinct concepts, including automating serials control procedures in libraries, the electronic journal, automating bibliographic access to serials, and, automated vendor services. Some of these topics have been dealt with wholly or partially in this book. Major issues dealt exhaustively in this book are: serials automation; Development of serials automation; Serials processing in libraries; Collection management of serials; Direct service to the user; Journal articles on CD-ROM; The serials format; Citation analysis etc.
Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Technology for 21st Century (Vol. 31-40.)
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