Sex Fixing: The Dawn of a New Era

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Sex determination is the process of knowing in the womb about the sex of the progenies with techniques like UV scan, amniocentesis etc, while sex-selection is the procedure of selecting the desired sexed offsprings and destroying the others. Where as, sex fixing is distinct from these as it involves to decide in advance the sex of the future progenies and then creating conditions that this only happens. Sex fixing is possible in ratites and lower reptiles. Mammals are the most highly evolved animals; any success in manipulating sex ratios is bound to have tremendous social and economic benefits and consequences. Recently, a technique called Aulprofem medication has found use in altering mammalian sex ratios especially in dairy animals.

The present book focuses on the possible outcome and impact of such a technique on human society and mind, and its relations with the animal world. The various benefits of such a development may include rapid increase in milk, meat, wool etc. productions by producing more females of animals yielding such materials.

This can prove a boon in feeding ever increasing human populations and saving the mankind from the impending danger of hunger and starvation in an era of failing green revolutions and declining hybrid vigour and food grain productions.


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Sex Fixing: The Dawn of a New Era
1st ed.
400p., Illustrations; 25cm.