Planetary Strengths is the first book on Shad Bala and Bhava Bala which deals with detailed calculation bases on Vedic Classical Principles and Aplication of Balas for delineation of Horoscopes. RThe book covers Sthana Bala, Dig Bala, Kaala Bala, Cheshta Bala, Naisargik Bala and Drik Bala. An attempt has also been made to add Vimshopaka Bala and Rashmi Bala as well as Ishta Bala and Kashta Bala. The Aspects of the Planets have been explained with graphs in a lucid and novel way. A number of example Horoscopes hav been analysed from the point of view of profession, health, marital life and prosperity based on these Balas. It provides a base for further research on this aspect of Astrology.
Shad Bala: Planetary Strengths Calculation and Application
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Neerja Taneja, M.Sc., B.Ed., Jyotish Visharada, is Senior Faculty Member, Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) – Chandigarh Chapter. She was a brilliant Student and won a gold medal in Jyotish Praveena. She teaches various subjects in Astrology viz. Mathematical Astrology, General Astrology, Panchang, Delineation and Dynamic Configuration, Dasa and Transit, Judgement of Bhavas and Longevity, She has a special interest in Shadbala and has been teaching this subject for the past 4 years. She has analytically studied various classical texts for the presentation of this book.
Dr. S K Duggal, B. Text. Tech. M.A., LL.B., Jyotish Visharda, Jyotish Kovid, Jyotish Shiromani, Jyotish Vachasoati, Chiitsa Jyotish Nishnata, is a Textile Technologist. HE was working with JCT Ltd., Phagwara. It was during his stay at Phagwara that he came in contact with some renowned Astrologers. He started learning Astrology in 1963 in traditional way from various Jyotish Gurus teaching Astrology in a 100 years old Vedic Pathshala situated in a small village Hadiabad (Phagwara), Punjab. He was Executive Director (Projects) in Punjab State Industial Development Corporation Ltd. (PSIDC), Chandigarh and Managing Director of North India Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd. (NITCON), Chandigarh. He is the Vice-President, International Council of Astrology & Allied Sciences; Member and Hon. Advisor, International Federation of Astrology & Spiritual Sciences. Presently, he is the Chairman, Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) – Chandigarh Chapter. He is teaching General Astrology, Dasa and Transit, Medical Astrology, Marriage Astrometeorology and Mundane Astrology. He has already written books on Planetary Strengths (Calculation and Application), Dictionary of Astrology, Revelations of Medical Astrology, Vedic Astrological Calculations, which have been well appreciated.
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Bibliographic information
Shad Bala: Planetary Strengths Calculation and Application
1st. ed.
Sagar Publications, 2008
334p., 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
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