Shakespeare’s Sonnnets

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First published in 1609, all the 154 sonnets of Shakespeare continue to retain their significance in English literature. They form an integral part of syllabi of various educational institutions and universities across the world. While the majority of the sonnets are addressed to a man, the others are addressed to a woman–the so-called "dark lady of the sonnets." To some critics these sonnets are autobiographical and to others they are mere " literary exercises" without a personal theme. Some critics have opined that these sonnets are exploratory of personal relations in friendship and in love. From these varied opinions, one may evidently infer that though sonnets are generally easy poems, Shakespeare’s sonnets are not–and very naturally, he being a mastermind, his sonnets are "far from easy to understand". The present book primarily aims at making Shakespeare’s sonnets more comprehensible to the common readers. It discusses in detail the various themes of his sonnets as well as critically analyses the topical questions related to them. The "fair youth" and the "dark lady" of the sonnets have been viewed from a different perspective. In order to facilitate easy understanding of the sonnets, pedantry has been meticulously avoided. Needless to mention, the book provides text of all the 154 sonnets. The book may be deemed to be divided into two parts: the first part discusses some very important general topics relating to the sonnets; and the second part devotes itself entirely of explaining, line by line, the sonnets, keeping close to their individual themes. Difficult words and concepts have been carefully explained. A bibliography and an Index provided in the book would serve as useful study-aids for the readers. The book is highly readable, self-contained and comprehensive; it will undoubtedly prove an invaluable reference book to both students and teachers of English literature.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sunil Kumar Sarker

Sunil Kumar Sarker holds Ph.D. in both English and Philosophy, and is a Reader in Raiganj (University) College. So far, he has published twelve books, most of which are on English literature.


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Shakespeare’s Sonnnets
viii+432p., Index; 23cm.