Signatures, Miasms, AIDS shows how a deeper knowledge of two key concepts, miasms and the doctrine of signatures, can enrich our understanding of remedies and the disease states we encounter in our patients. It also helps bridge the gap between spiritual and scientific world views. The book examines the historical and alchemical background of healing, placing homeopathy firmly within the context of the ancient, unchanging and practical truths of the ‘eternal philosophy’. Based upon this, a model for potency selection is offered. New light is cast on Hahnemann’s original three miasms, while Tubercular, Cancer and AIDS miasms are examined through the nosodes of those diseases. These are set within a developmental model, helping us locate patients and remedies on a miasmatic map. New information is included from the extensive provings of the AIDS nosode and the frequently used remedy Falco peregrinus.
Signatures Miasms Aids Spiritual Aspects of Homeopathy
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Signatures Miasms Aids Spiritual Aspects of Homeopathy
1st ed.
230p., 23cm.
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