This study investigates the origins of patriarchy in the Indian subcontinent to understand how woman, who naturally co-existed with her male counterpart, was reduced to a subordinate. Drawing upon a range of textual traditions, this unique anthology examines the significance of gender in the reconstruction of India’s past. Instead of indulging in the binaries of high or low social status for women it explores the diversities and complexities of gender relations in early India. It shows that gender is a cardinal angle to explore and understand the evolution of early Indian society. The role and status of women differed considerably according to their socio-regional context. The ancient Indian society was not a monolith as is generally conceived. The picture therefore is not a unified one, thereby stressing the fact that generalized statements on women cannot be made to apply to ancient Indian society. The pivotal importance of gender in any historical reconstruction is there by underscored.
This volume will be of considerable interest to scholars and students of early Indian history, society and gender studies. It can also go a long way in liberating the reader from the age old prejudices woven around women in the process of socialization.
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