This anthology of 38 articles on various aspects of Silent Valley is the culmination of the selfless endeavour of many persons who love Silent Valley and cherish the memory of the popular campaign for its conservation. It contains papers on the historical and managerial evolution of Silent Valley National Park as well as on its biodiversity. The decision to bring out such a comprehensive volume on Silent Valley was taken in a jubilant meeting on 25th November 1995, convened to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the declaration of Silent Valley as a National Park. Accordingly, articles were invited from those who worked in Silent Valley and those who had associated with the campaign. The response was overwhelming and articles poured in from scientists, naturalists and forestry experts of the forest department. And this volume is the outcome. The articles in this volume have been presented in four parts. The first part narrates the historical evolution of Silent Valley National Park. The second part gives glimpses of the evolution of its management strategies. The third and fourth parts deal the flora and fauna and their endemicity, rarity and diversity.
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