Simple Route to Economic Access: Deliberation in Nepal: Embarked to Utmost Participation for Prosperity

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This book highlights the facts that the achievement of economy rests on maximum participation and wellbeing of the people. However, it is not the kind of science that could prescribe only one model for best results. Economy works on market mechanism but, as a matter of fact, its efficacy is judged on augmentation of people’s happiness, comfort and security. The essence of the market economy, on the other hand, hinges on good governance to promote people’s participation for utmost progress. Globalization, integrated economy and liberalized competitive market have been explained in the emerging context of development across the world. Sustainable development, as connected to eco-system and environment has found its proper place. The book finally enlightens the readers with the latest setbacks the Nepalese economy suffered from devastating earthquake and economic embargo, and as a prospective way out, the government and the people’s role in moving from transition to sustainable economy with the responsibility at the core.

Contents: Forewords. Preface. 1. Preliminary interpretations. 2. Globalization : economic access. 3. Finance, investment and market mechanism: route to economic access. 4. An appraisal of Nepalese economy: issues and efforts. 5. Ethics: economics and population. 6. Concluding observations. Index.


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Simple Route to Economic Access: Deliberation in Nepal: Embarked to Utmost Participation for Prosperity
1st. ed.