Situation of Human Rights in India

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India remains a country of stark contrasts. While over the period, despite linguistic, religious and regional diversities and abortive secessionist activities, the concept of one nation has been strengthened from one corner to the other, a feeling of being an Indian and of belonging to this country is much more pronounced today than it was fifty years ago. Again, despite hot and cold winds, blowing from both inside and outside the country, India, unlike most of the other Afro-Asian countries, has adhered to a democratic system of government. On the other hand, while we have maintained is a semblance of a democratic system of government and rule of law. The practice of our legal and political system leaves much to be desired. Corruption, nexus between politicians and criminals, gang-rivalry and violence are widely rampant. Indeed, corruption and criminalisation of politics, spread from top to bottom of the administration are, in a way, subversion of democracy and gross violation of human rights. If money, favour and privilege are the factors that make Indian democratic system work, then it is not a democracy. At least, it runs the danger of being no longer able to call itself a democracy.


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Situation of Human Rights in India
1st ed.


#Human Rights