Sri Adi Sankara Bhagawatpada, the greatest philosopher who treaded the length and breadth of India establishing the Advaidic philosophy, was also a devoted bhakta and a great poet. This fact one can come to know when he reads the works of this Great Master. The stutis and stotras he had written are the examples of his unflinching devotion to the Supreme Reality. He has just passed on his experiences, during the great moments of Oneness with the Infinite Lord, in the form of beautiful poetry. The experience this compassionate Master had at the hillock of Srisailam at the altar of Lord Mallikarjuna comes down cascading in the form of this beautiful work Sivanandalahari. Just as Mother Ganga comes down from the great heights of the Himalayas changing her course, colour and contents on and off according to the different landscapes she passes, this Gnana Ganga, the poetry of Bhagawan Sankara, starts from the union of Lord Siva and Mother Umadevi. On its way it teaches man about his foolish mind which goes about the corridors of this sensual world attracted by the dazzling evanescent fruits like a monkey or an elephant in rut. It repeatedly implores the reader to control his mind and surrender at the lotus feet of Lord Siva. Finally it stresses the importance of getting the Lord’s Grace for everything, even controlling one’s own mind.
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1st ed.
Chinmaya Mission Trust, 2004
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