Skanda Purana, which is the biggest among the Mahapuranas, is a vast store-house for getting insight into all aspects and phases of ancient Hinduism. Being a veritable source of Indian Tradition and Mythology, it occupies a unique position in this respect. Named after Skanda, son of Siva, this Purana expounds doctrine and worship of Siva. It also contains legends of Siva, especially his battles with Daityas and Danavas. There are sections on Yoga – Dhyana (Meditation) and Jnana (Knowledge). This present volume – Prabhasa Khanda of the ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology series, contains two hundred and forty-five legends which talk mainly on the greatness of many shrines and deities like Jamadegnyesvara, Citrangadesvara, Ravanesvara, Saubhagyesvari, Paulomisvara, Sandilyesvara, Ksemankaresvara, Citresvara, Vicitresvara, Puskara-Kunda, Gajakumbhodara, Yameshvara, Brahmakunda, Kundalakupa, Bhairava, Naradesvara Bhairava, Hiranyaesvara, Gayatrisvara and of many others. Some other tales are on Savitri puja; destrusction of Daksa’s sacrifice; procedure for performing sradha, eligibility for sraddha etc. An Index to this khanda has enhanced the quality of the volume.

Skanda-Purana (Volume 68, Part XX)
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Skanda-Purana (Volume 68, Part XX)
1st ed.
xvi+400p., Index.
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