Large cities and metropolitan areas have been growing very rapidly, since independence in India whereas small and medium towns have either been stagnating or growing very slowly. The differential growth of small and medium towns and big cities has created imbalances in the urban growth pattern. The lack of economic opportunities and infrastructural facilities in small and medium towns is the reason for the population by-passing them towards bigger cities. An attempt has been made in this book to focus on the urban structure of Haryana in terms of size, growth and spatial distribution, change in functional characteristics, growth of infrastructual facilities and inter-linkages of the three selected small and medium towns with other settlements for a period of thirty years from 1961 to 1991. The analysis has been one both at macro (state) as well as meso (regional) level. A comparative picture of the three regions namely eastern, western and southern Haryana has also been drawn. Well illustrated with tables, maps and diagrams the book would meet the requirement urban geographers, researchers and all those interested in the urban structure of haryana.
Small and Medium Towns: A Geographical Perspective
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Small and Medium Towns: A Geographical Perspective
1st ed.
Rajat Publications, 2006
xii+420p., Tables; Figures; Maps; References; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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