Social Philosophy and Social Transformation of Sikhs

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Sikhism aims at establishing social, political and economic systems which are just, humanitarian and conducive to the development of a balanced and harmonious human personality. The emergence of Green and White Revolutions in Punjab and the resultant prosperity can be attributed mainly to the equalitarian revolution brought about by the Sikh Gurus as a result of which there has been greater co-ordination and co-operativeness as well as interchange of ideas, skills and technical know-how among the farming community which is predominantly Sikh. Sikhism play revolutionary role in the sociological field in restructuring society on equalitarian basis. It rejected the concept of hierarchal fixity and ushered in a new socio-economic order based on the principles of equality, justice and intrinsic worth. It made possible for its adherents to choose their occupations according to their abilities and means, and not according to their caste. All honestly pursued occupations were considered worthy or respect. This led to a great improvement in the work efficiency of people and resulted in increased material production. It also facilitated fuller utilisation of human abilities and actualisation of human potentialities.


Born in 1959 in Varansi Dr. Raghavendra Narayan Singh has been teaching English to the students of under-graduate and post-graduate classes since 1984. He has been guiding research scholars too. Dr. Singh has taught at various institutions of higher learning in his academic career of over twenty-five years. Besides being the author of a number of books research papers and articles, he is a creative write. His books, Please Behave Yourself, Astiva Ke Shashvat Aayam (blth in Hindi), Ages, Movements and Literary Forms, Glory be to God: The Earth is Beautiful have fetched much critical aplause for him he is also a social worker. He is actively involved in the activities of social welfare. Dr. Singh is currently Associated Professor of English at S.B. Post-Graduate College, Baragaon, Varansi. He lives with his wife and children at 212, Gautam Garden Colony, Shivpur, Varansi (U.P.) India.


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Social Philosophy and Social Transformation of Sikhs
1st ed.
xii+364p., Tables; References; Appendix; Bibliography; Index; 25cm.