Social Work (In 3 Volumes)

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Social Work practice is a intervention with clients of diverse backgrounds. It uses the social systems framework, problem solving model, empowerment perspective and strengths-based approach to practice. It is grounded in the liberal arts, scientifically informed and ethical. The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. This work in three volumes is designed for students, teachers, researchers, policy-makers, social workers, and non-governmental organizations engaged in social work practices. The first volume Social Work, Children with Malnutrition and Families provides an in-depth knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects of social work. The second volume Integrating Theory and Practice of Social Work describes the methods and techniques should be adopted by a social worker while dealing with children and families. The third volume Gendering Social Work provides guidelines for social workers to deal with women and their problems. It is hoped that this work will be a highly valuable reference tool for those concerned.


Ashok Sehgal, an eminent social scientist, did his Masters Degree in Social Work and LLB from USA. He is widely known for his teaching and research work in the field of social work. He has participated in several national as well as international seminars on social work. As a human rights activist, he has been associated with a number of organizations working for social development and actively engaged in activities to improve the social, economic and cultural conditions of Poor and disadvantaged people. A prolific writer, he has authored many outstanding books and profusely contributed learned articles to professional journals of repute.


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Social Work (In 3 Volumes)
1st ed.
x+288.; viii+309p.; x+272p., Figures; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.