Social Work: The Value-Based Profession

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The profession of social work is grounded on a set of core values and principles that guide the profession in its pursuit of social justice and social welfare. Although certain core values are being promoted by the various national associations of social workers all over the world, there is no known reference in the form of books/texts that contains a detailed description of these values which guide this profession. The twelve core values of social work discussed in the book are: service to humanity; social justice; respect for dignity and worth of the person; importance of human relationships; integrity; competence; loyalty to profession; patriotism; cultural sensitivity; teachership; hard work; and responsibility and commitment. The book is an outcome of the effort made by some of the promising social work academics under the guidance and support of the editor. This book will be of immense use to social work teachers, students, practitioners, NGO functionaries and policy framers.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Gracious Thomas

Professor Gracious Thomas is Director of the School of Continuing Education at IGNOU, New Delhi. He is pioneer in introducing HIV/AIDS, Family Life Education and Social Work in Indian higher education system through distance learning mode. Dr. Thomas is advisor to the Indian Parliamentary Forum on HIV/AIDS. He is also Consulter to the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care at Vatican. He has over sixty books to his credit –twelve authored and the rest edited by him.


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Social Work: The Value-Based Profession
1st. ed.
232p., 22cm.