Socio-Psychological Dimensions of Women Education

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"With the advent of the new millennium we find that the Indian women are joining in increasing numbers the men in all areas in many cases. This trend is creating stresses in the family life. The old conservative notion that woman’s rightful place is in home still develops situations of conflict. Under the shadows of conflicts and stresses the education of the women has to be planned, propagated and provided. In the present book the stresses and conflicts of the working and non-working women are highlighted and the role of education in meeting the challenges of the modern life is discussed. What will be the futuristic trends in women education? Whether women education should be of the same pattern as the education of men? If not then why and what type of education is required for them? Should women be trained for joining the works or only as the housewives? These are some of the questions, being raised about women education in this book. The book deliberates upon the appropriate measures that ought to be taken regarding women education so that an era of equality, dignity, esteem, self-respect and self-confidence dawns upon the Indian social order."


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Socio-Psychological Dimensions of Women Education
1st ed.
202p., Index; 23cm.