Sociology of Globalisation: Perspectives from India

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Today, we are living in the heightened era of globalisation. There are widespread movements of capital, humans, goods, and ideas across the globe resulting in transformation in the quality of socio-cultural life of the common men and women of all societies. As a concept and an empirical process, globalisation has been attracting much social scientific attention in recent years, so much so that the word has attained the notoriety of being a buzzword. There is tendency to look at such overarching and divergent processes of globalisation from the narrower pe4rspective of capital flow from the North to the South. Though this volumes does not aim o this volume closely examine the nature of ‘globalisation’ as a very ancient historical phenomenon and how its structures and processes have changed in the present avatar of globalisation. There are convincing arguments on the reverse direction of the global flow which otherwise goes unnoticed by may: e.g., globalisation may originate from below” (quoted from Prof. Yogendra Singh’s foreword). Through contributions from researchers from divergent disciplinary backgrounds, this volume adds hitherto unexplored dimensions to the discourse of globalisation. As it contains articles written in lucid and jargon-free language, the volume makes an understandable reading for teachers, students and all those who are interested in knowing the socio-cultural reality of present-day world.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ganesha Somayaji

Ganesha Somayaji is head, department of Sociology, Goa University, Panaji. Having published research articles in reputed journals he is working on such social concerns as language-based contestations and gastronomic transitions.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sakarama Somayaji

Sakarama Somayaji is currently senior fellow at the Council for Social Development, New Delhi, earlier, he also served in the national dairy development Board. His main areas of interest are family studies, micro-level participatory rural planning, monitoring and evaluation, women empowerment, cooperative leadership, capacity and institutional building and developmental issues concerning adivasis, dalits, religious minorities and other weaker sections of the society.


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Sociology of Globalisation: Perspectives from India
1st ed.
xvi+448p., Tables; References; Index; 23cm.