The Oxford in India Readings in Sociology and Social Anthropology comprises a set of volumes each on an important theme or sub-area within these disciplines. Along with authoritative introduction and sectional prefaces, each book brings together key essays that apprise readers of the current debates and developments within that area, with specific reference to India. The volumes act both as introductions to sociology and social anthropology and as essential reference works for students, teachers and researchers. Sociology and law share a close and symbiotic relationship. Sociology deals with the study of social interactions, values, norms, and attitudes. These form the very basis of law. While relatively under-researched within the discipline, sociology of law nevertheless constitutes a highly vibrant field. It commits to link the study of law with core sociological issues as stability, order, disorder, religion, identity, and social change. This volume is a collection of 21 essays analysing the relationship between legal and social systems in India. The book is divided into six parts which engage with various aspects of the legal system. The first deals with its functioning under the British as well as independent India which also includes tribal criminal justice. The development and social organization of the legal profession is analysed next. The next two sections deal with the association of law with two important and often controversial issues: religion and disadvantaged groups. They address issues ranging from personal law, a uniform civil code, and secularism, to reservations and the empowerment of women. These are followed by an analysis of the societal role of the judiciary with respect to social action and public interest litigations. The final part examines law and social change through the ages in India. In examining these diverse issue areas, this first of a kind volume brings together eminent sociologists as also top legal thinkers and jurists. It will be invaluable to students and scholars of sociology and other allied social sciences; legal historians, socio-legal scholars, political scientists, and activists.
Worshipping False Gods: Ambedkar, and the Facts which have been Erased
The book which has reopened ...
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