Sodic soils are those salt affected soils which contains sufficient exchangeable sodium to affect plant growth adversely. Mankind considered such soils as uncultivable waste lands and confined their energies to better soils. Because of food shortage besetting mankind in various parts of the world man is now forced to find ways and means of utilizing sodic soils for production of food, fibre and fodder. Realizing the fact that geographical area cannot be extended and that enhancement of productivity of crops grown on good soils is possible only to a limited extent, there is worldwide demographic pressure to attempt to cultivate all hither to barren salt affected soils. Efforts of soil scientists, agronomists, plant physiologists and agricultural engineers have been a foot to diagnose and rectify the limps and shrinks of sodic soils, all over the world. The accurate and precise adoption of sodic aameliorative measures is very important because the right and useful treatment accruing practical results depends on that.
Contents: 1. Preamble. 2. Nomenclature and classification of salt affected soils. 3. Use of gypsum. 4. Use of pyrites. 5. Use of Organic amendments. 6. Electromelioration. 7. High salt water dilution technique. 8. Use of sulphur. 9. Use of synthetic soil conditioners. 10. Use of industrial wastes. 11. Agromelioration. 12. Bioremediation/phytoremediation. 13. Amelioration of sodic soils without any amendment. Subject Index.
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