The idea of having a common laboratory manual for the Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) region was based on the fact that the soils in this arid to semi-arid area have a common suite of properties, leading to similar nutritional problems in crops. Collaborative research in the Soil Test Calibration Network in the Mediterranean Zone had also revealed that a number of soil tests for assessing nutrient availability have regional applicability. In addition, there was hardly any laboratory manual on plant analysis relevant to the crop nutritional problems in the region. This manual was designed intentionally in a "cook-book" format, for the ease of laboratory technicians. This second edition has incorporated all the feedback from laboratory managers of the CWANA region, making the manual more comprehensive, up-to-date, and hopefully error-free.
Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory Manual
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Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory Manual
1st ed.
x+172p., Figures.
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