Soils: Their Origin Constitution and Classification

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The first section of the book is occupied with the origin, constitution, and properties of soils, and, the standpoint adopted is the exhibition of soils in their natural relationships. The next section is devoted to the description, with illustrative examples, of the chief soil groups of the world. This is followed by a discussion of the problem of classification, and an account, given with due reserve, of the geographical distribution of soils. Also, dealt with the soil surveys and soil analysis, and have concluded with a brief discussion of the inter-relationships of soils, plant growth, and agriculture. The book primarily for those who are interested in the soil as an object of study in itself, and secondarily for those who se interest lies in its economic or geographical significance, but it may be hoped that the book will prove of value to botanists because of the importance of the soil in ecology, and to geologists because of the part played by the soil in the weathering cycle.


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Soils: Their Origin Constitution and Classification
2nd ed.
xviii+442p., Tables; Figures; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.