Educational aspect has so far not been given prime importance by historians and scholars. This very book of Dr. (Mrs) Sangeeta Kumari Gupta for the first time gives a detailed authentic account of varied facets of Indian education particularly under the great Mughals. The work has incorporated the various traditional Hindu teaching methodology and its different indigenous agencies to carry on the propagation of knowledge and imparting education. The book gives some glimpses of the existing relations enjoyed by the Guru-disciple during those days when education was limited to rich aristocratic class. The authoress has attempted to give an overview of the various centres of Hindu learning existing under the patronage of Mughal emperors, Hindu Monarchs and some nobles of that period. Exhaustive bibliography and precious footnotes meticulously prepared by the authoress has enormously enhanced the academic value of the book. This book is sure to fulfill the long cherished wish of research scholars and inquisitive students to get an insight of the educational perspective during the said period and trigger further advanced research in this lively field.
Some Aspects of Education of The Hindus in Northern India Under the Great Mughals 1526-1707 A.D.
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Some Aspects of Education of The Hindus in Northern India Under the Great Mughals 1526-1707 A.D.
1st ed.
xxiv+236p., References; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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