A staggering 500,000 people are killed in the world each year by small arms, 90 percent of them women and children. 300,000 dies as a result of armed conflict in places that include North East India each year. The illegal arms industry with a $ 3-6 billion profit together with illegal narcotics industry with $ 200-300 billion profit forms the World’s largest illegal trade. “South Asia’s Fractured Frontier†is the first book to directly address the interlinked issues of Armed Conflict, Narcotics and Small arms proliferation in India’s North East. The book explains the ways in which guns have slowly perpetrated the land where the only weapons were daos, machetes, spears, khukris and poison and bows and arrows. It also looks into the types, makes and sources of small arms that is flooding North East India for the last five decades. The book also traces the growth of narcotic drug use in the region and reviews the damage it is doing to North East Society. The author also points out the role that China, Pakistan and Burmese rebels have played in the North East India armed struggles. The book also illustrates the role that women in the North East are playing to survive and to bring peace in a war-zone. This book is not only a book. It epitomizes the conviction of a young women from the region that a day of peace, prosperity and understanding will dawn to heal this “Fractured Frontierâ€. She is writing the working, to hasten that day.
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BEREAVEMENT, especially the ...
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