Special Libraries in the Electronic Environment

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Information and communication technology (ICT) presents new opportunities and challenges for libraries in general and special libraries in particular. Special libraries are passing through a phase of dramatic transformation due to the ongoing challenges being posed by information and communication technology (ICT). Thus, they are challenged to explore new ways to accept and implement the changes to be competent enough to serve the experts, scientists, and research workers, etc, who always demand specialized services pin pointedly. Most of the scientific information today is available in new variety of formats like sites, etc, which requires knowledge of specialized information handing techniques. The book, Special Libraries in the Electronic Environment, provides information on various aspects of special librarianship. The book has been divided into sixteen chapters, providing sound basis on ‘how to work in an electronic environment.’ It provides information on digital, electronic, virtual and gateway libraries. Special emphasis has been given on the emerging areas like e-publications, networks and consortia and marketing of information products and services, etc. It covers whole gamut of activities taking place in special libraries and provides clear explanation on them.


Dr. (Mrs.) S.P. Singh is Reader and Head in the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi. She was awarded Ph.D. on topic Indian Institute of Technology Libraries in India: An Evaluative Study. She is the author of Research Methods in Social Sciences (2000). She has contributed more than 40 research papers in various national and international journals, conference and editorial publications. Dr. Singh has been actively participating in national and international conferences and seminars. She has been the Chairperson of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Library and Information Science, published by the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi. Dr. Singh is a life member of ILA, IASLIC, SIS, IATLIS, and DLA. In 2003, she visited Malaysia to present a paper on LIS Education in India in LISEA Seminar, organized by the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaysia. She is son the Editorial Advisory Board of The Electronic Library, an international journal published by the Emrald Group Publishing Limited, United Kingdom.


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Special Libraries in the Electronic Environment
1st ed.
xviii+402p., Tables; References; Index; 23cm.