The articles deal with the right to education in India and programmes on literacy including the Saakshar Bharat Programme, particularly the challenges faced by field functionaries working in the programme and the nature of vocational skill and life skill development in the programme, e-literacy in it and the programme in relation to concept of lifelong learning and extension of the university system. The focus is on vocational education and training particularly their relevance from the viewpoint of entrepreneurship and current trends on the field. It discusses literacy as a tool for changing the life pattern of women and use of ICT in adult literacy programmes.
Dr. B.S. Vasudeva Rao, Associate Professor in the Department of Adult & Continuing Education, Andhra University, Visakhaptnam had his master degree in Philosophy; Ph.D. in Education and two Post-graduate diplomas one in Strategic studies and the other in Rural Development. He has two dcades of experience in planing, organization and conducting Adult, continuing Education and Developmental programmes in Rural and Tribal areas. He has presented 50 research papers in the national and regional conferences. He has published 25 aarticles in professional journal of national reputy and published 5 books concerning Adult Education. 5 Ph.D's and 3 M.Phils were awarded under his guidanae encompassing formal and non-formal Education. Dr. Vasudeva Rao has been associated with many affirmative action groups in Andhra Pradesh.
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