The English language has a lot of words. It is very difficult to remember the spellings of all these words. The reason behind the inability to remember so many different spellings is that there are at least 1,100 different ways to spell. And this is added to the fact that the English language has 44 different sounds, which is the highest compared to all the languages. To top it all, one must remember that every rule has an exception! The English language is full of irregularities in spellings and pronunciations. It is to be noted that 80 percent of the English language is based on different rules. If one understands all the rules and follows them, then also, only 80 percent of the spellings would be correct. This book is an attempt to solve some of the dilemmas, which have been caused by the numerous rules of English spellings. Given in the subsequent chapters is, a selection of the most commonly used rules and their explanation.
Spelling Power Made Easy
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Spelling Power Made Easy
1st ed.
Pentagon Press, 2005
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