Leaving behind a mutilated past, a young woman sets out in search of her destiny. Agonies suffered at the hands of a violent, psychotic mother, a brush with a hypocritical teacher, a broken affair with an unscrupulous man, an illegitimate pregnancy…. she puts everything behind her as she travels hundreds of miles in an effort to forget. With a heart now gone cold, she sets to work trying to carve out a place for herself in an alien city. Moving ahead inch by stubborn inch, never stopping, never looking back. Until she meets Vikram Malhotra. Does she believe the flamboyant claims of an obvious philanderer? In her bid to find a home, does she stake her all? Does she, in undue haste, make the same mistakes again, only to repent at leisure? Does her quest ever end?
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Asian Novels and Novelists (In 3 Volumes)
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