Sri Babaji: Immortal Yogi of the Himalayas

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Does Sri Gorakshanath's sahkti manifest through different human forms? Is this Lord Shiva's manifestation? Is Mahavatar Baba the manifestation of the collective divinity of Himalayan saints and siddhas? Did Ashwasthama of the Mahabharat manifest through Hairakhan Babaji? Has Hairakhan Baba taken birth in human form? Or entered the body of any yogi through sahkti diksha or kaya pravesh? Has this divine personality taken different forms while remaining immersed in samadhi and maintaining a singular identity? What do the saints of the Himalayas have to say about this? What is the current thought and acceptance in yogi and philosophical terms?

To answer these questions, the author undertook an indefinable journey-the journey of life.  She visited innumerable sacred places, met many great saints and sages, both known and unknown.  This book is about these sacred places and events.  They provide a glimpse of the path of gyan-yoga, karma-yoga, bhakti-yoga, prem-yoga and tapasya-yoga.  It is of importance to those who tread this path.  There are places mentioned of which there is little or no knowledge.  of special significance are the many recorded meetings as told by those individuals, both sants and bhakts, who had Baba Sri's darshan or blessings.


Romola Butali did her Masters from Delhi School of Economics before establishing herself as a journalist of repute. With the advent of satelite television in India, she shifted to the visual medium, later making different kinds of films. She was one of the first to explore the potential of the Internet as a partner in India's first horizontal portal. Thereafter, she become head of portals for India's second largest multi-channel portal. She continues to be Editor of India Travelogue: www.indiatravelogue .com He search for Truth led to a continued tryst with the Himalayas and the blessings of many sant-mahatmas. Her first book, In the Presence of the Masters, has been widely acclaimed. As a practitioner in the tradition of the Himalayan yogis, she is known as Sriji. She can be contacted by e-mail:


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Sri Babaji: Immortal Yogi of the Himalayas
1st ed.
188p., Plates; Glossary; 21cm.

