St. Basil the Great and the Globalized India is an account of St. Basil’s synthesis of text and context, faith and social justice and spiritual growth and liberation of the community. The book also explores his interpretation of the scripture and doctrines in solidarity with the subalterns of his time for restoring in solidarity with the subalterns of his time for restoring justice which is used here to address the justice associated with the econnomic globalization today.
Integral connection of personal transformation and that of society in Basil is an important tool for religions to address the issues of social evils precipitated by the growing economic globalization. Basil unequivocally says that one of the root causes of all kinds of self-seeking and consequent injustice and violence is the loss of the cision of the Transcendent. this root cause and to strive towards a just and peaceful society. At a time when vast income disparity and over use of limited natural resources are becoming matters of increasing concern, Basil’s message is more relvant now than ever before.
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