The work presented in this book had originally been written for the doctoral thesis. The work mainly centers around the two cities of Delhi and Lucknow believed to having Islamic background. The chief aim of the work is to bring into light the extent and quality of changes which have occurred in the Muslim families within three generations and its effect on the status of the women. The placement of women in the society shifts along with the shift in the basic attitudes of the people and in the Indian context even the Muslim inspite of their rigorous and effective pattern of conduct have left the wave of change in their home front. How far these outside factors have penetrated an affected the family life the role of the women are some of the questions posed by the author. The entire work being strictly substantiated by empirical data collected over the period of three years by the author herself adds to the richness of the book and enable the author to critically evaluate the status of contemporary Muslim women in context to their mother and grandmothers status. Hence, the work not only covers a wide area within which the women are shown to interact but it also has depth being substantiated by the datas on life style of the women above on life style of the women above 50 years of age. Finally, the author attempts to picturize how the Muslim women placed within a framework chiefly controlled by religious dictions makes multi-directional effort to establish herself not only in her family but also outside it.

Status of Muslim Women in North India
by Shibani Roy
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Shibani Roy was born and brought up at Delhi. Her schooling had been at the Lady Irwin School and Post-School studies from Miranda House. She received her B.Sc. (Hons.) Degree in Anthropology in 1967 and Master Degree from the same Discipline specializing in SocialAnthropology. After a year of research work in the field of "Consanguinity among Muslims of North India", she joined department of Anthropology as a Ph.D. student in 1970 and was awarded the Ph.D. Degree in 1976. She was a part-time lecturer in Lady Irwin college, New Delhi, teaching post graduate classes during 1972-73. She was the recipient of senior research fellowship of C.S.I.R. for her project entitled "Changes in value Orientation of contemporary Muslims" carried out amongst the Bohras of Bombay. Her articles in Hindustan Times and Youth Times equally provoked the social scientists and laymen and made them have a new perspective towards this minority community. From 1976 to 1978 she had been actively engaged in a project on female fertility financed by World Health Organization. The entire work had been centred around Rajput Women of Rajasthan. At present she is holding the post of Assistant Anthropologist (Cultural) with the Anthropological Survey of India, Government of India. She has participated in national and international seminars and has a few publication to her credit in the field of Muslim women. Dr. Shibani roy has further stepped into the secluded privacy of the Muslims by marrying a Muslim fellow anthropologist and has a daughter.
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Bibliographic information
Status of Muslim Women in North India
1st ed.
xv+241p., Tables; Figures; Maps; Glossary; Appendix; Bibliography; Index; 25cm.
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