Work-related stress has been identified as the costliest lifestyle factor that affects both employers and employees the world over. Stress is understood as a state in which, individuals perceive an inability to meet the requirements or expectations placed on them, reflected by physical, psychological or social complaints or dysfunctions. Prolonged exposure to stress may reduce effectiveness at work and may cause ill-health. Costs of workplace stress are escalating, as an increasing proportion of working population suffers from personal and psychiatric problems. This disturbing international trend highlights the need for a systematic assessment of the risks of stress caused or made worse by the stress levels in an organization. Stress audit is a proactive approach to the management of stress at work. It helps to assess organizational and individual strengths and weaknesses and to acquire the information necessary to focus on the desired response. Appropriate action on this information, tends to result in subsequent reduction in absenteeism and increased levels of commitment and productivity, for the organizations concerned. This book attempts to highlight the need for stress audit and the benefits that can ensue or accrue from the exercise. The book aims to bring out the significance of stress audit to employers, employees and society in general, and discusses the trends and tools involved while taking us through the stress audit process with case studies.
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