Stress! Learn to Manage It

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Twentieth century has been labeled as an age of anxiety. Today, at the beginning of the twenty first century, stress as a condition of life has taken the from of a threat. In this context, this book is a meaningful effort in suggesting ways for coping with stress. The focus is on making life easier to live. The author has analyzed the anatomy of stress and dealt with various stressors from cognitive as well as behavioral perspective. At the same time the author has made an attempt to synthesize Cognitive and Behavioral approaches to stress management with priceless Indian spiritual heritage. The work by the author is holistic and rooted in nativity. The book echoes around the theme: people are slaves of their beliefs, attitudes and values rather than the real situations. The author has proposed certain practical and simple mechanisms to do away with these negative and destructive thoughts/beliefs. These are also supplemented by the behavioral measures to be adopted. This book is recommended strongly for managers, trainers, counselors, various professionals, students, youth, couples and educated housewives


Dr. Neera Dhar is presently working as an Associate Professor at the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi. Her specializtion and expwrience is in the area of Behavioural science. Psychotherapy/ Counselling and Traning Methodology. She did her doctorate on "Anxiety Proneness, Interpersonal perception and Personality profiles of the rejected" By virtue of her academic brilliance she was chosen and sponsored by the "Rotary International" to pursue her post doctyoral studies in USA and also to work as an "Ambassador of Goodwill" from India in the year 1998. Dr. Dhar has been involved in conducting training programmes of executives from Education, Public Sector Undertakings and Health since 1990. A major focus of her training for last couple of years has been on "Stress Management" for doctors, with an innovative perspective. The distinctive and popular features of her creative approach in the training are the messages from Indian spiritual thought, IndiaN lyrics, singing and music, laughter/weeping, catharsis, love and empathy used towards emotional realization of stress management. Her training efforts orient around the theme: "keep it simple and beautiful".


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Stress! Learn to Manage It
1st ed.
217p., Tables; Figures; References; Appendix; 23cm